
Braudel, teta que da de mamar en algún momento a todos los historiadores, define al empresario de una manera muy escueta. Aquel que en Colombia ahora se define (autodefine, normalmente) como constructor de país es, para el historiador francés, un organizador. No dice mucho más. Pero me gusta más la definición de papá Braudel, sobre todo porque, a diferencia de la otra, da a entender algo.


Hacer cualquier cosa, organizar la hechura de algo, es como hacer camisetas. Ser empresario es como hacer camisetas. Cuando hice camisetas con otra gente —es decir, cuando fui empresario—, sencillamente buscamos «camisetas» en el directorio, llamamos y averiguamos quién nos hacía el trabajo más barato. Después preguntamos qué colores tenían y nos hablaron en términos fáciles de comprender: «el rojo, el azul, el amarillo». ¿No tiene negro? «No, es que el negro no circula tanto». Entonces no se puede hacer negro esta vez. Cagada y otra vez será. «Usemos azul oscuro en vez de negro, la gente no se da cuenta».

Cuando llegamos con la camiseta azul la gente pregunta por la camiseta negra y decimos que se agotó. Y eso es parcialmente cierto: se agotó antes de que la compráramos nosotros. Unos lo piensan dos veces y la compran. Otros saben bien qué quieren y no hacen negocio. No nos hacen el negocio. Al final se venden muchas camisetas y disfrutamos la aventura. (A estas aventuras ahora le dicen emprendimiento porque la palabra tiene al mismo tiempo un significado con sabor a irse de aventuras a territorios desconocidos pero un significante afín a la seriedad que supuestamente tiene una sociedad anónima o compañía limitada.)

Después queda el sabor de que lo que se hizo no se parece tanto a lo que se buscaba, de que se quiere mejorar el producto. Esa vez había que hacerlo rapidito y facilito porque Rock al Parque era la semana siguiente y la oportunidad estaba ahí y no se podía dejar ir porque así son los negocios. Pero cuando se llama de nuevo la respuesta es la misma de la vez pasada: «el azul, el rojo, el verdelimón, del verdecali de pronto hay algunas, el amarillo…». ¿Y no tienen amarillo ocre? «No, señor. Es que ese no circula». ¿Azul rey? «No se vende casi». ¿Verde oliva? «De pronto nos llega un pedido». ¿Vinotinto? «No, pero hay turquesa, que lo lleva mucho». ¿Gris? «Ja ja ja, ¿quiere parecer un ratón?».

Digamos que se logra averiguar cuánto cuesta un rollo de tela. Pero después de hacer cuentas, alcanzaría para hacer un millón de camisetas. Un millón de camisetas blancas con el logo de la administración de turno. O un millón de camisetas negras, aquel color que no se vende casi, para tenerlas guardadas, quién sabe en dónde, por toda la eternidad.

La alternativa es negociar los acabados. ¿Realmente tiene que ponerle cuatro capas de plastisol a la camiseta para que quede agrietada? «Claro, porque si no se va a ver la tela». ¿Si le digo que esa capa del estampado va con PMS 209 usted me entiende? «Sí, tranquilo que aquí le dejamos ese morado igual así como el que usted puso». Trajimos esta camiseta que conseguimos en otro lado más barata… «No, señor, es que esa es tela burda. Vea: puede ver a través. En cambio la nuestra es tela de excelente calidad, que abriga, véala a trasluz, no puede ver nada, es como cuero». ¿Y el cuello tiene que ser de un centímetro de diámetro y no dejar respirar? «Claro, es un cuello de calidad, que no se desjeta, con triple refuerzo que se fija bien al cuello y le va a durar toda la vida, más que la tela de la camiseta».

No es fácil hacer camisetas. O sí es fácil, pero hay que ser chambón. Pero no una vez, no un poquito, sino eternamente chambón porque nadie sabe nada sobre el otro lado y nadie del lado del triste empresario, el organizador, tiene el suficiente poder para cambiar las circunstancias. Si se quiere hacer camisetas bonitas hay que esperar que alguien importe camisetas bonitas de China. O podría importarse una tela de tal color y mandar a hacer la camiseta en un taller en Bellavista que quién sabe si siga ahí la próxima semana. Y la camiseta ya no costaría tanto sino dos veces tanto. O tres. Tal vez un día se habrán vendido suficientes camisetas chambonas para haber reunido suficiente dinero para cambiar las circunstancias.


Hacer libros es como hacer camisetas: hay que buscar en el directorio a ver qué tienen. Pero casi todos tienen lo mismo porque muy poca gente produce o importa bobinas de papel o tiene máquinas litográficas pequeñas y mucho menos rotativas. Todos tienen lo mismo, es decir, bond blanco o beige (o equivalente propalibros), propalcote y, de pronto, propalmate. Y por consiguiente casi todos hacen lo mismo.

Las cosas no cambian mucho si uno hace salida de campo a las plantas. Allá el gerente de calidad solo sabe que en su máquina entran papeles de tales gramajes. Después es fácil darse cuenta de que es el gramaje del papel que les sale más barato importar: por eso nos dicen. Siempre nos dirán, por eso, que muchas cosas no se pueden hacer. A veces no «se puede» porque no es razonable económicamente para ellos. Por ejemplo, un formato con un centímetro menos de lo normal. O un troquel. A veces no «se puede» porque eso nadie nunca lo ha hecho antes y es imposible que a alguien se le haya ocurrido. Por ejemplo, imprimir el otro lado de una carátula. «¿Con un color de proceso? ¿Por qué? ¿Para qué? No entiendo, no entiendo, ¡no entiendo!». O barnizar los filos de las páginas. O encuadernar con cartón burdo de esqueleto de bloc.


¿Cuántas camisetas chambonas hay que hacer antes de poder hacer camisetas como las que uno siempre quiso hacer? ¿Cuántos libros convencionales, intrascendentes o cuántos best-sellers vergonzosos? ¿Cuánto arroz chino hay que vender antes de poder montar el restaurante con concepto e ingredientes de primera calidad que uno siempre soñó?

807 Responses to “Emprendimiento”

  1. Marto Stef Says:

    Debo reconocer dos cosas: que las remeras Buseta que me regalaste tienen una tela mucho mejor que las que se hacen en Argentina y que no las puedo usar porque los cuellos me ahorcan (pensé que era una sensación exclusivamente austral). Una cosa que los dos países sí tienen en común es lo difícil que es hacer cosas de calidad para un mercado tan miserable.

  2. Angela Zamudio Says:

    Yo hice las 2 cosas, camisetas y libros y muchas cosas más. Aquí no se pueden hacer stickers impresos a alta resolución con semi-troquel porque no es rentable poner la máquina a funcionar al 100%. Si uno quiere que algo se lo hagan de cierta manera tiene que pagar más, buscar 5 proveedores (uno para cada proceso) y convertirse en el mensajero de la empresa, porque la que cose no compra la tela y el que imprime necesita la camiseta desarmada. El problema es que nadie vive aquí de las pequeñas producciones “casi artesanales” porque nadie paga lo que cuestan. Yo hice camisetas, quedaron como yo quise, pero salen muy caras y nadie las compró.

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    %first_paragraphYou should make your shelving decisions based on your home’s overall style, your budget and your storage needs. If you need to install shelving in your home, allow yourself plenty of time to do things carefully. Shelving systems are available in a variety of shapes and varieties, as well as price ranges. Choices are all over the board and include mini shelf systems, a floating wall shelf, built-in choices and decorative shelving. If you plan to use the shelving for decorative purposes only, than storage needs will play less of a role in your decision. Look around your home at your current style and take some time to shop around and see what your options are. The more time you take to plan your decision, the happier you will be when everything is installed and in use.

    Having them illuminated through LED’s another bright idea. Addition of lighting arrangement while adding to the ambiance, makes it convenient to approach the contents of the shelf. While it absorbs the colors, glass also gives a warm glow. For instance, you could create interesting pattern in the shape of a hexagon or just fix them vertically along a wall to highlight the surrounding area. Other patterns can be used for a stylized, modern look. Provision of glass shelves in the bathroom gives it a personal and stylish look. Having a couple of glass shelves is a nice way to display some of your belongings.

    Many people prefer floating shelves and find them to have certain benefits over regular shelves with brackets. People often use floating wall shelves to display decorative items such as vases or pictures. A floating shelf is decorative and ads a stylish element to any room.

    With a little creativity, you can simply enhance the look and feel of a room or make the space more organized and easier to use. Shelf systems are more than simple functional items added into your home or office.

    It really makes cooking a lot simpler when you are able to see what ingredients you have on hand to whip up that special meal for your loved ones. For instance, all dried goods like rice and pasta should be placed in one section of your larder, and cans in an additional section of your larder. Again, whenever you stack cans and packets inside your larder, make an attempt to arrange them into like categories.

    First, consider your utilitarian needs. Decorative shelving may house art items or keepsakes and the last thing you want is a collapse due to too much weight. Some shelving is sleek and modern and other options are primitive and traditional. Your choice needs to be sturdy enough to support what you plan to use it for. Even if the shelving is strictly decorative, you will still be placing items on the shelving. The benefit of choosing certain styles is they are suitable to your current home style.

    Walls and paint gain easily damaged in this area. Marks and scratches are average ; therefore lighter colors hide defects better. Eventually, if you’re considering painting the inside of a pantry, go with light color paint.

    The older corner type shelves used to have a decorative wood or metal bracket that would be visible. With the modern corner shelves, they can be hung with out any of the brackets being seen. Although it was easily seen, it was made to blend into the decor of the room. You can still get a large number with decorative wall brackets, but a floating type design has become so much more popular.

    So choosing what is the best free-floater is up to you. Placing our free-floating shelves is easy and fun, but mindful placement will easily detour any chance for overcrowding an otherwise beautiful wall space that could also be accentuated with a pictures, or mirror.

    The bathroom usually represents the smallest room in the house. Because of the smaller scale, innovation is required to maximize storage potential. As a result, it is often the biggest challenge in regard to storage planning. Having realized shelving to be the most practical option, you have to decide the type of shelving that would best answer your requirements. Shelving makes the most logical option as they go over the walls, making use of the available vertical space. You can’t have free standing storage units due limited space at your disposal. A convenient place is needed to store frequently used items within easy reach. Having floor cabinets around restricts your movements and increases the chances of a fall.

    As previously noted, you shouldn’t display items which are especially heavy on a floating shelf. However, you can certainly decorate and accessorize your new mantelpiece with knick knacks, memorabilia, framed photos, a vase of flowers or other beautiful items.

    Commonly, the brackets would appear with attachments like screws or bolts. If you have not performed attaching a shelf bracket ahead of you must let a expert do it for you. Do make certain that the wooden brackets are attacked firmly and correctly to your shelf in order that there’s no risk on the complete point suddenly crashing down. Using the right rivets and drills, fire wood brackets can be strong adequate to assist a shelf with a usual heavy load, like books or filled jars. Wood shelf brackets would perform finest with wall shelves or surfaces.%

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    %first_paragraphThis means that when you opt for this particular kind of shelf you can expect it to look very sleek as well as effortless; but, to achieve the desired effect requires overcoming a few difficulties and it also means doing everything in a most precise manner. Floating shelves are those shelves that have a design that ensures that the shelf looks as if it is actually floating against a wall to which it has been fastened to.

    You can get them in almost any color. This is a huge plus if you have a color theme in your room. Whatever be your taste and style, you are sure to get a floating shelf to match the dcor of your room. You can find them in wood finishes of all colors for a traditional, rich look. Some of the manufacturers offer these shelves with strong long lasting resin material to suit modern dcor of your home. You may have these shelves in very many designs from sleek looking ones to the decorated kind. Floating shelves while being functional are beautiful too.

    The very first decision you will need to make in this process is where you will be putting your new shelves. Wall mounted shelves need to be visually attractive as well as match the decorative theme of the area. If you want to install closet shelves they will need to be strong enough for their purpose.

    When designing shelves of this nature, the manufacturers understand that these shelves are hanging with no external support. Such a design of shelves allows them to accommodates heavier items without causing any worry. This is achieved by including fixing screws in the wall and taking care to make internal brackets from a durable material. Therefore, they are specifically designed to be reinforced. They are designed to have sufficient extension for superb support.

    Humans do not like clutter it can affect your mood, drive and overall persona. Wall shelves are one way that helps eliminate the disorder around you. It’s versatile, gives you more storage space and dresses up your walls. One can imagine living in the early days and the need for organization.

    If you don’t want to make your own shelf, you’ll find plenty of styles to choose from in stores or online outlets. Choose one that is sized correctly for your fireplace area, in a wood shade that coordinates well with the rest of the room. Install the shelf by simply following the accompanying instructions. Before you know it, you’ll have a beautiful and contemporary floating shelf mantelpiece.

    You can use a shelving unit to divide a room or display collectibles. They can hold books, photos, mementos, clocks, appliances and other decorative items. You can find them ready made or have them custom built. They usually have easy to assemble instructions or you may have to hire a handy man or contractor. Whatever you choose they maximize your wall space.

    Comprised of expressive colour and carefully composed interiors, Floating Weeds is a lyrical affair. That would be his humanity, which comes to the fore as the tone shifts from comic to melancholic, allowing Ozu to treat his characters with notable generosity. However, the director’s visual artistry is not his primary attribute.

    In conclusion, corner floating shelf not only floats in the corner, it could be used to take away the emptiness of a space corner, creating most out of that corner otherwise left empty, may be used as an significant storing location and most significantly can be used as a beautifying part for a area.

    Just make sure the ISDN link comes down when you expect it to - always check that with show isdn status! 0 is directly connected, Serial0
    A floating static route is an excellent “back door” that will keep the ISDN link down while allowing that link to serve as a backup route.

    When it comes to the electrical work, make sure the lighting isn’t too bright or dark. Pin lights will be a good addition to the room. With all the materials on hand, you must first start the carpentry work before the electrical work.

    The troupe’s leader Komajuro (Ganjiro Nakamura) looks up his former flame Oyoshi (Haruko Sugimura) and their illegitimate teenage son Kiyoshi (Hiroshi Kawaguchi), a move that doesn’t please his current mistress/leading lady (Machiko Kyo). To plot revenge by instructing an actress to seduce Kiyoshi. Unfolding in a seaside village, Floating Weeds sees a group of travelling players arrive one summer.

    Whatever way you want to adjust it, there is always a problem. However, there is a type of shelving known as floating shelves that eliminates the said problem completely. If you ever tried installation of a set of shelves, you would have experienced how brackets can hinder your installation.

    Take advantage of a toddlers natural tendency to stack items and place one thing inside another.
    Elementary School Kids Your preschooler wont be perfect at putting things away, and you may find your car keys or wallet in the basket from time to time, but simply using baskets will reduce a lot of clutter. Store baskets you want your toddler or preschooler to use on the bottom shelf, and make a game out of filling each basket. Even young toddlers can match up the items with the photos; and not only will this increase their developmental learning skills, picking up after themselves will become a habit in no time.
    Take a cue from the organized kindergarten classroom and temporarily affix a photo of each item that belongs in the basket on the basket front.%

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  202. garage shelves Says:

    %first_paragraphIt will be a total package that will positively affect the inside and outside of your garage. Garage door installation and tidying up the inside of your garage will surely make your garage wear a new look that might even make your neighbors green with envy.

    In addition to this, you can equally make use of garage shelving in such a way that cabinets are made close to your garbage cans to have hooks that will serve as holders for dustpans and brooms of different shapes and sizes.

    This easily portable trolley can carry up to 250 pounds of weight and can hold up to two trash cans. With its sturdy construction and easy-rolling wheels, it is perfect for taking the trash out without any strain on your back, legs, or arms. Taking out the trash will no longer be a dreaded chore with the trash can trolley.

    For instance, closed doors over the shelving units is a nice trick for covering up all the items and further making things look nice and organized. Others will have elaborate designs on the covers or sides of the shelves, making it nice to look at. The high end garage shelves offer other perks, too.

    Without them, you will certainly have a cluttered garage. While there are many excellent yet expensive garage storage systems out there, if you feel limited by your budget, the best thing to buy is a set of good storage shelves. This will happen simply by default, as items will not have a place to go!

    If you are needing to organize your garage, besides regular garage shelves, consider some of these other options. You may find that they will work better for you in some instances than just standard garage shelves. Rating: Please Rate: Processing . (Average: Not rated) Views: 162 Print Email Report Share Tweet Related Articles
    Futon Covers - Increase Your Futon’s Durability

    It features a sturdy wire bracket with three 8-inch double hooks that can a total of 40 pounds. The bracket measures 30 inches wide. A simpler way to store tools is the tools and hook bracket. The hooks can hold shovels, rakes, hoes and power cords. The hooks are rubber-coated to protect them.

    Third, think outside the box when it comes to de-cluttering your garage. The powder-coated steel is strong, rust resistant and durable. Or store extra planks of wood that were left over from your last building project. The Ceiling Storage Unit is easy to hang from the ceiling beams. One place that most people don’t consider for storage is along the ceiling. Whatever you choose to store on this handy organizer, you’ll be pleased with how uncluttered it helps you feel. Put the cooler, tents, fishing poles and other camping items on it. With a 250-pound capacity, it is a great space to store all those bulky items that you constantly trip over when they are stored on the garage floor.

    You’ll want to keep them organized so that they don’t make a mess. You can then hang your hand tools on the pretty lattice back. Simply set up the unit along any interior wall and store your garden supplies on the bottom shelf. The Folding Potting Bench is a perfect place to store extra plant pots, bags of fertilizer or potting soil, and all your hand tools. When winter comes and you’ve used your supplies, you can fold this potting bench and store it against the wall. First of all, you probably keep garden supplies inside your garage to protect them from the elements. Constructed of sturdy hardwood that is finished with a lovely natural oil stain, the Folding Potting Bench also adds a touch of beauty to your garage.

    If you have stuff you’ve been keeping for years, but never seem to use, consider letting go. You can either sell or donate the items or trash them if they are of little value. This way, you will be able to save valuable time when you get to the shop and simply add the items you need to your cart. * Make List Of Items Needed
    The best thing to do anytime you need to purchase items for your use at home is to make a complete list of the things you’ll need to buy. You should start by listing the specific items you would like to store in your garage. Putting your garage in a good shape is not an exemption to this rule. There is no point including items that will not be of use to you as they will only reduce the available space for storage on your garage shelves.

    For those families that love to bike, there are rolling bike stands that are ideal for any garage no matter what the size. The rolling bike stands have tiny wheels that allow you to easily move the bike around your garage without having to remove it from the stand.

    You won’t waste time digging through the clutter in the corner where you currently store all your long handled tools, nor will you have to worry that one or more of them will fall behind your old tool bench where you’ll have trouble reaching. Second, you’ve probably got more wall space than floor space in your garage, and you’d like to take advantage of it so you can reclaim the floor area for your car. The 5 Slot Tool Holder mounts quickly and easily on any wall of your garage with the included hardware. Get your broom, rake, shovel or other long-handled tools off the floor and organized. The patented ‘magic’ ball technology of each slot will keep your tools in place until you need them, then it will release them with a gentle pull.%

  203. forum.jenesuispascharlie.pl Says:

    %first_paragraphYou may need space and a shelf that fits snugly into a corner is a great way to add space even if you think that you do not have any space to spare. The corners of a room are the best places to add a shelf and this is often a hard place to find furniture that fits perfectly. A shelf that is specifically designed for a corner will make your space even more inviting. A corner wall shelf is a great way to add a sophisticated touch to any room.

    One of the best things about corner units for TVs is they take up such a small amount of space, compared to other units that are on the market at present. But its not really that they have less storage but more that they use the space to their advantage, whilst keeping their space footprint as low as possible.

    While the pilot light is also constantly lit, the flames could be reversed off and on and likewise operate the flame height. Numerous of the remotes may allow for adjusting the fan setting, exhibit the rooms temperature, and many could also permit for a timed automated switch off. While the most convenient along with most expensive might be the various flame controller.

    This type of metal shelving units are less expensive, but offer a lot of storage room usually and can be perfect for either a corporate setting or personal use. They are usually pre assembled and serve each and every purpose of storage.

    Otherwise, long cabinets, tucked into one corner with a short leading edge for DVDs or other materials, and a longer piece for the storage of TV and other media products is usually the best choice. If theres a need for a smaller cabinet, consider how small you need to go. Choosing your cabinet should depend, for the most part, on what space you have, and what space you need. If youve got space, you might want to consider making as large as you need storing all of your media in the same place may let you have easier access to it, or theres a need to ensure and display your materials and books.

    If it is an option, its probably better to go with doors, as its more important to seal off the area than leave it open in most cases. Even frosted glass can look better than an open plan in some cases, and give you an elegance and segregation between your wall units and the rest of your rooms. If you choose to buy a cabinet with doors, and they are always open, dont consider the doors a waste or remove them - you may reorganise or work out reasons to use them at a later date, or may move the cabinet into another room.

    RDM’s industrial workbenches are attractive enough to be used in an office, yet durable enough to serve as stands for heavy equipment or other manufacturing components. Corner unit workstations allow businesses to take full advantage of the corner space of a room, which is frequently unused. They are also sturdy enough to use for microscopes and are used in laboratories, hospitals, cleanrooms, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and regular offices.

    You may have furniture that is currently in the corner of the room that you want to use, but this may be okay and you may still be able to use a corner wall shelf. If the furniture is low enough and you are able to place the shelf high enough, it may work out perfectly. A wall shelf in each corner of the room may add a very elegant touch to any room.

    The conception of the fireplace mantelpiece is in the “A” frame so it can set into the corner and establish use of all the normally unused area. This could be a outstanding way to introduce the look, feel and ambiance to a room that a fire place exclusively might. The use of a corner fireplace would be a great way to feature a fireplace where it would have been impossible earlier.

    One way to go about this is to purchase customized corner cabinets or you can build one yourself. Though you can easily buy one at a nearby furniture shop or even online, there can be a problem if it doesn’t fit into that corner you want to place it to.

    There will be days when you just want to get away from the world, relax in a whirlpool, and soothe the body. Having you own whirlpool will be just what you need. The whirlpool will bring you enjoyment when you see how much having a whirlpool spa in your own home. If remodeling your bathroom or you need a new bathtub, the corner whirlpool bathtub might be just what you need to make the room complete. The whirlpool bathtub is a wonderful addition to any bathroom, but when you can make it a corner whirlpool bathtub, you will see how much it adds to the beauty of the room.

    This could be a book like a planner or it could be something for the tech savvy that gets charged in their handy Power Shelf. As long as it works for them, and gets them to add all classes and activities to their schedule, it’s good. Trying to balance work, play and school can quickly turn disastrous for teens who don’t know how to manage their time. To help them, you could take your teen shopping for a good organizer.

    You may want to consider the books that you will acquire in the future and make sure that you are allowing enough room for these items also. When you are looking at a corner bookcase you will want to look for one that will be capable of holding all of the books and other items that you want to display. This can take some simple measuring and you may easily find a bookcase that has the storage that you need.%

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    He thought TFM had similar potential. I thought it had promise, Wickham says. Wickham designed and coded the site, which launched on June 1, 2010, with total upfront costs of $150 for hosting (although they later did rack up some credit-card debt). That was it; the whole idea was right there. Young had seen other acronyms - such as FML (F–k My Life) and TFLN (Texts From Last Night) - explode on the Internet. Young ditched his firefighter training and teamed up with Wickham to create a blog featuring fratty one-liners followed by their acronyms.

    “A sick lax pinnie, khaki shorts, and sperrys is my required work from home dress code. “If I had a nickel for every time I heard the phrase ‘Youre an asshole’ I wouldn’t be any richer. Before long, the site also popularized NF (Not Frat) and GDI (God Damn Independents - students who arent members of Greek life). The site allowed readers to post TFMs of their own, which they started doing immediately. TFM,” one early post read. I’m too frat and too rich to give a sh*t about nickels.

    ” Brothers said it whenever they told ridiculous stories about girls, drinking, and college. This is a photo from their fraternity days, in 2004, which inspired their company. Instagram/Madison WickhamRyan Young (left) and Madison Wickham (right) cofounded Total Frat Move and Grandex Inc. Young and Wickham had been brothers in the Kappa Alpha fraternity before graduating in 2007. While they were in school, a catchphrase caught on: “Total frat move.%

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